How is this a 'citizen science' project?
Citizen Science projects are scientific research projects run as partnerships with the wider community. These partnerships take place across a wide range of areas from environmental sciences to archaeology and astronomy, from physics to psychology. The Living Lightly Locally project represents a form of Citizen Science involving a small cohort of citizens collecting ‘qualitative’ data that is deep, rich and informative.
This project is a great opportunity to learn about living lightly locally, while collecting, sharing and analysing useful information. By telling and gathering citizen scientists’ stories, new knowledge will be generated to understand the motivations and barriers to creating change at the local level, feeding vital information into more effective government and non-government programs that will, we hope, help everyone to live more lightly, locally. If you would like to read more about citizen science, a good place to start is the following 'Occasional Paper' written for the Chief Scientist of Australia: |